♥ Enchanted on 14 February 2008
Ordering Format
Item Name:
Contact No:
Mailing Address:
Mode Of Payment: POSB/DBS ATM Transfer
- State "Confirm" in the subject of your valid email, if you are 100% sure of purchasing item(s), do not need further clarifications and able to meet the payment time frame. =) Priority will given!
- Do check your email inbox regularly after emailing us. We will reply u asap.
Postage Charges
Normal mail ~ $1.50/item unless otherwise stated (depending on the weight of the parcel)
Registered mail = $3.75/item (regardless of the weight of the parcel)
Payment Info
My Secret Castle's only DBS Bank Savings Plus account number is : 029-1-081644
For atm transfer users:
Kindly provide a clear snap shot of the transaction receipt. The snap shot should include your account no., transfer reference no., time, date and amount transferred. My Secret Castle's account number must be shown clearly on the snap shot.
For Ibanking users:
Kindly give us ur Ibank nick~!
Terms and Conditions
- Registered mail is strongly recommended. No meetups.
- My Secret Castle will not be responsible for lost/damaged normal mails if you do not opt for registered mail.
- Concealed cash is highly not recommended and is at the buyer's own risk.
- All items are exclusive of postage price.
- All items are not negotiable, no refunds, no exchanges, no trades.
- Payment must be made wthin 2 days.
- If payment is not received within 2 days, item will be given to the next interested buyer
Lotsa Luv,
My Secret Castle ~
1:17 PM